For the past week I have been getting about 3 hours of sleep each night because I was too busy studying and writing papers *facepalm*
I'm done now. I don't know how I did and won't until perhaps sometime in June. It scares me because I really want to do well. :/
Well on a different and non academic note. I have developed the habit of drinking to destress. It is fine and I have never gotten sick like that one night that I explained to y'all.
One weekend, when I went out I happened to dance with this guy. Whatever, probably a fluke and we'll never see each other again. I was okay with that since I didn't really know him or see him around campus.
Then he danced with me again at a different party... then finally last weekend. It's like he found me at EVERY party.
So I decided, what the hell, I'm not just gonna look for him and add him on Facebook. Just get to know who the fuck this random ass guy was that I happened to dance with all the time. When I added him, he sprung up a conversation almost immediately. I found to that he is actually a pretty cool and funny guy. He asked me if we could hang out monday (yesterday) before he left. (He's an international student). I said yes, but forgot that I told a different friend that I would hang out at his frat and drink.
I decided that I could split the time, but it ended up being that I couldn't hang out with him because I didn't know that he was leaving at 3 a.m. He called me right before he left and when he saw me he got out of the cab and hugged me. I felt like such a bitch for not hanging out with him like I said I would.
I felt REALLY bad, but then the next morning I see this text from him "Hey! I'm about to board right now. Thanks for showing up. I almost thought I wasn't gonna see ya! :)"
My friends all say that he has a crush on me but I just don't know. I know I'm personally the kind of person that refuses to invest my feeling toward someone until I know that they are at least a little interested in me.
Should I like him? Why would/should anyone ever like me?
ugh. Emotions are complicated, but I have a whole 3 months until I see him in person again. We'll just have to see if we are still talking over the summer break. :/
Sincerely confused,
- Vizzy