My Life's Scrapbook

Monday, June 7, 2010

My doctor says I'm fat.

Uh. Ok, well maybe not in those words, but that's how it translated in my fucked up mind.

You all know that because of school I wasn't able to exercise like I did last summer... So I put on ten pounds. Disgusting I KNOW. I FUCKING LIVE WITH IT!
*Deep breath* Ok, well I've shaved off three, but when I went to the doctor he was a fucking prick in saying "Well I've noticed that you've put on 7lbs since your last visit." Then he offered me TIPS. He told me to stop drinking soda because that should save me some calories.

I DON'T EVEN FUCKING REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I DRANK A REAL SODA. He probably doesn't even fucking remember that I'm a vegetarian. (Also he doesn't know about my disorder.) But can you imagine my fucking frustrated yelling going on in my head? I mean REALLY!

I've been depressed, constantly wanting to cut, though I haven't thank God.

*Sigh* That's why I've really been missing, I'm sowwy. I have been keeping up with all of your blogs! Keep me updated!

We have to stick together to keep what sanity we have left.


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